Although we will try to do everything possible to help you it can always happen you are not happy with your purchase or satisfied with our service. If that’s the case you can file a complaint by emailing us your complaint at Please clearly state you are filing a complaint and add your order reference to your email if possible. We will then process your complaint and will do our best to solve your complaint within 7 days.
Unfortunately we can’t help you if you are not happy with your visit to a themepark or attraction. In that case it would be best to contact the attraction directly. Should you need contact details for an attraction, these are listed on your tickets. If you can’t find them just send us an email so we can forward you the contact details.
If you have a complaint about Dagtickets we can also forward you to the Online Dispute Resolution platform. This platform is an European initiative and alternative dispute settlement, meant for solving E-commerce disputed without interference from a judge. So should you have a complaint about Dagtickets and can’t solve it directly with us, please get in touch with the Online Dispute Resolution platform to get your complaint dealt with.
You can find the Online Dispute Resolution platform here: